Friday, September 25, 2009

Ragnarok | Tropang Tunay on Plurk!

Now we can all follow the tropang tunay members in real time! =p Check them out at Plurk! More adventures await!

Me | Med Night '09

Whew! Home at last, I still have a hangover! Night life with friends and classmates was super fun! ^_^ This day was really a care-free, fun day!

First, I wasn't able to go to school for our only morning class. :p I woke up at roughly 9 a.m. Then Jae and me, the bums that we are, just ate and slept again for the whole morning. Come afternoon, we took a bath already, because afterall, we aren't doing anything. Then we prepped up ourselves already! Not that we were excited, but because I figured I haven't fitted my dress yet, so if ever something's not right, I still have time to do something about it. I experimented on my eyes, and proud to say, it turned out simple yet sassy. I liked it! ^_^ I've never used black before and it was my first try on myself (Jae is my Barbie doll. =p). So at about 3 p.m., I was already suited up. From top to bottom. I decided not going to the parlor whatsoever. I dressed up myself and I am pretty happy about that. =p Heehee.

I'm slowly starting to become malandi. XD And I must admit that I'll be experimenting more and changing my fashion sense. Haha! It requires a bit of practice. We need to at least appear our best! :D Although it would require money! And that's were I will have a hard time! XD Haha. Just the other day, last Wednesday, me and Jae shopped for my things. I spent 2.5k for a hair iron, make up, and and accessory. The other week I bought a simple dress for P700. I was happy because I found something cheap. XD If I had a lot of resources, I swear I'll be a shopaholic. Thank God, He didn't give me a lot of money, or else I'll have a really large debt. Whew, I need to earn. I'm thinking of what business I can do that won't require match. *Sigh* I have to earn to pay up for my desires. For now, I'll have to settle with what I have. =p

Anyway, going back to Med Night. We took a cab since I won't ever take a jeep wearing a dress and all prepped up. Going back to the dorm, I almost forgot to bring my ticket. Haha! XD Thank God I didn't (I lost my ticket anyway at Eastwood =p). Then, planning to eat at Tapsilogan, we ended up at Ministop. I don't want to eat a meal since dinner at Something Fishy is Eat-All-You-Can (Eventually, I didn't eat much. You'll know why, at the next few sentences to follow). We were at Ministop to wait for almost 30 minutes or I think it was more. I was really hungry, and seeing all the food around me, I can't help to buy. I said, I'll only buy a snack. Unfortunately for me, I overestimated myself, and was actually contented already. I wasn't hungry anymore. I wasn't looking for the food anymore.

Aside from because I already ate, I didn't quite like the food at Something Fishy. It was rather ordinary. Pansit, chicken, steamed fish, Kare Kare, Pinakbet, Nido soup, and fried Kangkong with dip. It wasn't really that drool-worthy. But the Nido soup was good. I missed it. =p

Then we went down, going to some classmates, then out, to the smoking boys. Although I don't like, or rather, I really hate the smell of cigarette smokes, I have no choice. I don't discriminate. Perhaps if we die early they'll stop their smoking? :D

We roamed around for a bit, taking pictures, here and there, all over, wherever, whenever. =)) Well, section 1C has been know as section 1Camwhores. XD LOL. We went inside Eastwood mall. It was cold, and...empty. It was nice and elegant, but nothing special I'd say.They just had sofas outside the stores. Sofas that were most welcome to me and Ivy's aching feet.

Then we went back and saw our classmates in the stage (some stage in some part of Eastwood where I do not know). We took pictures, and sat, and talked, and laughed together, joked at each other. That's the best part of 1C, it is always fun, always joking (imagine yourself in a comedy bar). That kind of joking...tripping.

Then as we wait for the opening of the Manor, we went to DQ. I love DQ! That's all I can say. It's one of the best ice creams in the world! =p

Then, lining up at the Manor. At last! The gates opened, and one by one, we entered the cold place. Up the stairs, up on some more stairs, then there, a dark hall, the dance floor. And once the DJ popped that music, we all went into dancing mode. We're all like different people. Music really is universal. We ALL danced. And eventually hurt our feet. =p

Pinky, Mitch, and Ira joined a dance group with other people from other section and they participated in the dance competition. When it was their turn in the dance floor, gosh! I was so envious! I missed dancing! And the three of them, who did not dance before, were great! Take note, the steps are all sexy! :D Go girls! I think they're gonna win. The other two groups obviously just joined for the 100 less in payment if the section have participants. =))

Then Jae and Well arrived. My feet were so tired already, it was the first time I felt that I could not walk anymore. As in literally! I was walking down the stairs which was more *ouchy!*. There were just too many people around for me to really mind my feet. I needed to walk straight or else they might say, "poor girl, maybe she needs to go to the hospital?" I was thinking of crawling. Whew, glad I walked through till outside. I saw chairs. And was so happy! Like a firework.

Anyway, this is getting long already and I'm kinda sleepy. My body is yearning for the bed already. I want to say more, so I'll just edit and add some more stuff tomorrow.

Thank God for this night! It was fun! ^_^

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Ragnarok | Tropang Tunay

Hey guys! I've made the Tropang Tunay series into its own new blog! Check it out at =p Fun adventures awaits! Enjoy! ^^

Monday, September 21, 2009

Random | Warning!

The previous series of posts are highly (insert word here).
Read at your own risk.

Sheesh, I'm so randomly retarded!

Random | "Ka-Emohan"

All the previous "ka-emohan" posts are true and original.

For me, "emo" is being emotional.
It is being in a state of sensitivity and awareness
Of one's own feelings in relation to reality
Of this world, of the world beyond
Of his family, friends, community, surroundings.

But a stronger feeling makes a person change.
An intense emotion can either destroy or strengthen.
Only one's self can determine that.

If you feel, show your emotions!

Yet remember,
Always go back to the peace thereafter.
A peace that is better than the previous one.
A peace that is something to look forward to.

~ o ~

Emo much?
Let's see if you can see the real me.


Sunday, September 20, 2009

Random | Emo Be With Us

In us is an Emo unwanted.
But one cannot deny it.
I have captured it inside.
Trapped within this fragile walls.
It will break soon.
Glass pieces and broken hearts.

(The start of something new...)

Me | Saturnine Beat No. 1

This is not a fairytale, there are no happy endings.
Why am I not too cautious of what they call "emo"? It's because, in reality, I am an emo.
I may appear as a simple, cheerful person, but, in reality, I am discontented hater.
I am a frustrated perfectionist.
I am a daydreaming hopeless romantic.
I am a trusting broken-hearted gal.
I am not a princess, this is not a fairytale.
I got that line from the status message of a friend in YM. It stuck so much to me.
I must admit, I am guilty. I have only myself to blame. It was my own fault. I am weak, I am fragile, I am a loser, I am stupid, I am poor, I am nobody.
I cannot pretend anymore, I don't want to pretend anymore.
I am disturbed, I am hurt, I am aching. My heart is bleeding, my eyes are crying. It hurts so much; my broken heart is torn apart.
I was living in a dream of hope, but all I've done is nonsense. All my life is nothing.
I wasn't holding on to something afterall. I wasn't doing something worthy afterall. It was all useless, unworthy.
Are you listening God? Or is the devil the one putting these thoughts in my head? Maybe, Satan's blocking my prayers, and you are letting it, because I am a sinner, because I am a hard-headed child.
Can I even be called your child anymore?
With all the tests, papers, homeworks, recitations, reports, and grades I've had, I could not even know, if you're listening to me when I talk with my mind, when I cry with my heart.
God, are you listening?
Can you feel I'm aching? Can you hear I'm crying? Can you see I'm hurting?
All the people around me do not satisfy me. They even hurt me.
I see. I am discontent.
I don't want a life like this.
Many times, have I gone out of my room, smiling to the people outside.
But inside my room, my pillows are wet.
The soft bed is my only comfort. Inside is my comfort zone.
I don't want to go out anymore. I don't want to be hurt anymore.
Lord, I won't go out and feel pain anymore.
Why do you let this happen to me? Why do you let me be hurt? Why did you give such a life to me? Why did you have to make me like this?
I know I'm a sinner; lazy, selfish, stupid, egoistic, irresponsible. But I've asked for help already.
Where is my help? I've prayed for strength, where is it? Why am I weak?
I don't know what is wrong anymore. I am confused. My mind is polluted that I want to get rid of it. I want to break my skull and just throw my mind away.
You give me these family and friends I do not know. Neither do they know me. They are near yet strangers to me. Because not one of them knows me, hears me, feels me, and understands me.
Lord, this emotional and mental pain is the worst pain ever. I am sick. I am not well.
Is this all you have for me? Will I just be like this after today? Tomorrow, what will happen? Will I not change?
The next weeks, will I still go on and live the same way? I want to break out. Shout.
But I'm afraid; the people will stay away from me. I know they will even get mad at me.
It's like this, this world.
I don't know what to do. Oh God. I'm not suicidal.
But I feel dead anyway. And being conscious makes it hurt even more.
This is not the movies, tomorrow is not predictable.
But one thing is for sure, it will be the same hurtful days to come.
Unless, something really awful develops, maybe it will change something.
I can't believe I'm still hopeful.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Music | You Belong With Me by Taylor Swift

This is by far, my most favorite song by Taylor Swift.
Apart from her Love Story, which I loved because she was so beautiful in that gown.

Anyway, I love the song, not much of the video, but the lyrics are just so right!

LSS of the Day! And days to come!

Gotta ♥ Taylor!
And Lucas Till is just so charming!
Eeeeeeeeeeeeekkkk! * love love !! *

The video can be quite delayed and slow, so check this video here. It's not HD and quite blurry but the video isn't delayed.

You Belong With Me
by Taylor Swift

You're on the phone with your girlfriend, She's upset
She's going off about something that you said
She doesnt get your humour like I do

I'm in the room, its a typical Tuesday night
I'm listening to the kind of music she doesnt like
And she'll never know your story like I do

But she wears short skirts, I wear t-shirts
She's cheer captain and I'm on the bleachers
Dreaming bout the day when you'll wake up and find
That what you're lookin for has been here the whole time

If you could see that I'm the one who understands you
Been here all along so why can't you see?
You belong with me
You belong with me

Walkin the streets with you in your worn out jeans
I cant help thinking this is how it ought to be
Laughing on the park bench thinkin to myself
Hey isnt this easy?

And you've got a smile that could light up this whole town
I havent seen it in awhile, since she brought you down
You say you find I know you better than that
Hey, Whatcha doing with a girl like that?

She wears high heels, I wear sneakers
She's cheer captain and I'm on the bleachers
Dreaming bout the day when you'll wake up and find
That what you're looking for has been here the whole time

If you could see that I'm the one who understands you
Been here all along so why can't you see? 
You belong with me

Standin by, waiting at your back door
All this time how could you not know that?
You belong with me
You belong with me

Oh I remember you driving to my house in the middle of the night
I'm the one who makes you laugh when you know you're about to cry
I know your favorite songs and you tell me about your dreams
I think I know where you belong. I think I know it's with me.

Can't you see that I'm the one who understand you?
Been here all along so why can't you see?
You belong with me

Standing by or waiting at your back door
All this time how could you not know that
You belong with me
You belong with me

Have you ever thought just maybe
You belong with me
You belong with me

Music | Heartbreaker by G-Dragon

I so so loooooove G-Dragon.
And I loooooove this song!
He is part of the Korean male group, Bigbang, which I also love, but he is also successful as a solo artist!
He's got the talent, the personality, and the looks!
So hoooooooooooot! Sizzling hot!
=p ^_~

This is the MV of his first solo, Heartbreaker.

This is the solo debut of G-Dragon at SBS Inkigayo (August 30, 2009):

Check out his other live performances:

Here is the English translation for the song (Also, check out the Romanization, it's Korean and I don't understand it, and I won't plan to sing it in Korean even if I want to =p. That's why I will pay less attention to the Korean lyrics. Haha =p):


A yo! finally! Is this what youve been waiting for?
brand new G.D! I'm all by myself but its all good
your my heartbreaker DJ and YG
Let me take this song here

I don't give in no matter what, the useful things still haven't died
Only you caused a broken body, dead dreams, lost heart
If it's for you, this one body will fly, will rush to where you're at
However you say goodbye and goodbye to me

I said what's the reason you don't want me
Tell me all about your confident (facial) expressions, do it sadly
Even if I say alright or ask for a chance
I don't like the cold look in your eyes when you turn around once

*No no
Yo ma heart heart heart heart heart breaker
What did I do wrong
Yo ma heart heart heart heart heart breaker
No way no way

I say I'm leaving, I'm really going
To see if you can live well [without me]

This is tedious, this is not going smoothly
My heart's tragedy no way

I ask the same every day, you say that I've changed
Will you please shut your mouth
You speak while knowing who you're talking to
Now I'm out of control, constantly while being alone
In that spot, that place, it's goodbye and goodbye

I said what's the reason you don't want me
Tell me all about your confident (facial) expressions, do it sadly
Even if I say alright or ask for a chance
I hate the cold smile you have when you turn around once


I say I'm leaving, I'm really going
To see if you can live well [without me]

This is tedious, this is not going smoothly
My heart's tragedy no way

I'll still be there (inside your turned off phone)
I'll still be there (at the mailbox in front of my house)
You..I still...(even if we're "strangers" now)
I will still be there

Let's be together, those words
It's only sweet for a little while
Why do you not care when
Hey! I'm hurting this much


Yo ma heart heart heart breaker breaker
Yo ma heart heart heart breaker breaker
H.e.a.r.t. breaker no way

credits: lovenostalgiaa @ youtube


A yo! finaly! Is this watch me waiting for?
brand new G.D! I move by my self. your my heartbreaker
DJ and YG. Let me take this song here

nado eodiseo kkullijin anheo ajik sseulmanhan geol jukji anhasseo
neohana ttaemune manggajin mom sarajin kkum motchatneun mam
neol wihaeseoramyeon i han mom nallyeo niga inneun gosimyeon dallyeo
hajiman geudaen naege annyeong tto annyeong

*neon naega sirtago iyuga mwonyago
jasininneun nipyojeongi modeungeol malhaejwo seulpeugehae
geuraedo jotago gihoereul dallaedo
hanbeon doraseon nimoseup chagaun geu nunbichi sirheoyo

no no
yo ma heart heart heart breaker naega mwoljalmotaenneunji
yo ma heart heart heart breaker no way no way
naega neol tteonagandaedo naneun jeongmal gandago jalsanabojago
jigeutjigeutae ppigeutppigeutae naesarangui bigeuge no way

maeil ttokgachi mutneunde neon naega byeonhaetdago hae gajingseureon ipdamullae
sangdaega nugunji algo malhae nan ije out of control honjaseo gyesok-
geujari geugoseseo annyeong tto annyeong

Repeat *

no no
yo ma heart heart heart breaker naega mwoljalmotaenneunji
yo ma heart heart heart breaker no way no way
naega neol tteonagandaedo naneun jeongmal gandago jalsanabojago
jigeutjigeutae ppigeutppigeutae naesarangui bigeuge

I’ll still still be there(kkeojin ni jeonhwagie)
I’ll still still be there(naejibap pyeonjihame)
nan ajikdo geudael(ijen namira haedo)
I’ll will still be there

yeongwonhi hamkkehajan geumaldeul
jamkkanui,dalkomhan ppunirago
geudaen wae amureochiannnyago nan ireoke apeunde
yo ma heart heart heart breaker naega mwoljalmotaenneunji
yo ma heart heart heart breaker breaker
h.e.a.r.t. breaker

credits: greenglacious @ blogspot

I ♥ G-Dragon!
* shrilly scream of a fangirl !! *

Monday, September 14, 2009

Random | Ranting about Waking Up Habit

Snooze or Stop
I immediately click the stop button.
I am overly overestimating myself. * emphasizing pfft! *
* Sigh * T_T
Darn darn me!
Huhu. What should I do?
I can't stay late and study 'coz I won't wake up on time for class.
Waaaaaah! But, there's so much to study.

God help me.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Random | Freakin' Funny MRI Experience!!! * LOLs *

This is so funny and scary at the same time! * Haha *
Oh gosh! I don't wanna experience this. XD
You guys should watch this. It's a super laugh trip!

Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Me |

My new blog!


Well, I made this because...
Photobucket God!!!

It's filled with verses, verses, and verses!
Daily Bible readings, devotions, or quiet time.

Visit it sometimes if you need some quotes, or advices, or more knowledge.
It's important to know what is really important. * Woah! That was redundant! XD *

I hope you could visit sometimes. ^^


God Bless Us All!


Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Me | The Rich Life I Wanna Live

I happen to read this at Yahoo! news.
And I was really touched.
These are the kinds of rich people I adore.
* xoxo *
But don't get me wrong.
I don't know his songs. Haha~!!

♥ ♥ ♥

It's just fitting.
To give when you have more.
To share your blessings.


Kudos to you Mr. Ludacris!
I hope one day I'll say * kudos * to myself.
That day I'll be rich as money itself.


Sunday, September 6, 2009

Music | Traditional Korean Instrumental Version of Lollipop (Bigbang ft. 2NE1)

This is so cool!
Proof that Bigbang and 2NE1 are really universally successful!

♥ ♥ ♥

Traditional Korean Instrumental Version of Lollipop (Bigbang ft. 2NE1)
by Sorea (Sound of Korea)


Saturday, September 5, 2009

Random | A Different Kind of Cat


I was looking through my friend's plurks and found this video.
Thanks to Aibi for this video.
It was so cute and funny! xoxo~
I don't like pets but if my cat would be like this
I'd definitely want one! ♥

These little things really make my day!
More vids! More vids!


Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Random | Crizna Ranting, "No Net! No Net!"


Yes, no net at the 3rd floor of the dormitory.
Which means:
No Facebook
Dead Restaurant city
No Plurk
Karma down
No Blogger
No updates
No YouTube
No 2NE1 and Bigbang
No downloading
No movies

Poor me.

Wondering how I could make posts?
The 4th floor has internet, and that includes the stairs to the 4th floor.
I camp there.
Battery power. Laptop on my lap. Hot. No mouse.'

I am totally ranting, ranting, ranting, "No net! No net!"


Me | Describe Me in One Word: A Facebook Photo Tagging

I grabbed this photo when my friends tagged me with it. And found a nice opportunity to interact with my friends in Facebook. I posted the photo and tagged all the friends I could possibly select. XD


And here are the answers I got!


Ang adik ng mga sagot nila. Haha!
They made me smile!
Thanks guys!


Add me up at Facebook here.

Cause | Ako Mismo

"Ako mismo ang gagawa."


Two words that mean a lot. In two words, I and every individual Filipino, will start with ourselves. We, ourselves, will start doing what must be done. Gone are the days that the Filipino were just slaves and followers of other nations. Gone are the days that we will let fear, laziness, discouragement, and illiteracy bring us and slow us down. Ako mismo, means, by me, for me, and NOW. If I want something done, I got to start to do it myself, and NOW. We have waited too long already. Too much idle time. Too much lost time. It is now or never. The movement to change is now.

Ako Mismo

About Ako Mismo
Authorized Distributors
Ako Mismo T-shirts and Lanyard

Ako mismo ang babago sa sarili ko para sa ikabubuti ng bayan.

Who else?